Endometriosis and its symptoms look differently for everyone. It can feel difficult, uncomfortable, or at times unsafe to talk to a health care provider about endometriosis if you have experienced medical trauma, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or other systemic oppressions. The first step in finding care may not be sharing the symptoms you experience, but finding a health care provider that you trust and feel safe to share your experiences with.
When working with your trusted health care provider, it is important to communicate the symptoms you experience including the frequency and severity of your pain. Give examples of times in which your symptoms have impacted your daily life and what you have tried to help alleviate your symptoms. If it is difficult to communicate your experience, it may be helpful to write this information down in advance of your appointment so you can share it with your provider. You may want to let your health care provider know about:
It may be helpful to bring a support person who can take notes or advocate for you in your appointment.